CONTEST! (free stuff)


In Total Constant Order, Fin learns to channel her obsessive energy into street art.

Street art is defined as "any art developed in public spaces — that is, "in the streets."

This includes:





Some call it vandalism. Some call it "wabi sabi"…A Japanese phrase for finding beauty in the imperfections…to create something from the city's blank canvas…just the way a skateboarder might look at an empty swimming pool and see a thousand possibilities.


You must find and photograph a form of street art. Send your superfresh photos to along with your name and address. We'll pick the winners on Friday, February 1st.

Three sharp-eyed contestants will win a bunch of cool swag: including one signed hardcover copy of Total Constant Order, along with pinback buttons, giant stickers, and a choice of a TCO tee or tote bag.

PS: No sneaky stuff! (In other words, don't destroy public property. Think of your mission as a photographic safari. As Mama says, "Look with your eyes and not your hands.")

Good luck!